Professor R. Sunder (India) once again came to VSTU


Professor Ramasubbu Sunder is an academician of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Technical Director of Bangalore Integrated System Solution. And this is not the first visit of Professor R. Sunder to our university – a strong friendship and fruitful cooperation have lasted for many years.

During the meeting with Rector of VSTU, Navrotskiy
Alexander Valentinovich, they talked about a possibility of internships in India and benefits that Russian young scientists will receive, and these are not only joint scientific publications, but also a new level of English language proficiency. And these are not all the issues that scientists of the two countries managed to discuss.

Also yesterday, a seminar was organized for students of VSTU. Professor Ramasubbu Sunder showed a presentation "Test Machines: A Brief History" dedicated to BISS company, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. The company is part of the American ITW technology concern and specializes in development, production, operation and modernization of testing equipment to assess strength, durability, crack resistance, vibration resistance and dynamic properties of materials, structural components and machines.

The program of Mr. Sunder's working visit also includes consultations with scientists of our university on joint scientific research and publications.

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