A new module – “Modern technologies of foreign students’ training at technical university” was completed in the school of pedagogical excellence of the flagship university


Teachers from different university departments, who understand that work with foreign students demands additional knowledge and special professional qualities, became participants of the course, given by associate professor of the Russian language department-Anna Valerievna Dikareva.

Engaging foreign citizens in the sphere of higher Russian education has always remained in the field of vision of the state and social structures and nowadays it is one of the criteria of university performance appraisal. Today about 200 thousand foreigners are studying in Russia. The most popular specialities of future bachelor’s and master’s degree students are building, oil and gas engineering, pharmaceuticals industry. Postgraduate students prefer mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and biotechnology.

The classes were hold in form of interactive lectures and discussions. The participants were provided with electronic versions of lecture materials and additional literature, oriented to the qualification of the particular department.

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