International Students / Pre-university Training Faculty

The University makes an invitation, meets and registers students, gives accommodation and studying literature, and also helps to get the medical insurance.

Students of the Pre-university Training Faculty live and study in one and the same building. The building of the Faculty is situated downtown; a canteen, a stadium, a park, different shops and trade centers are within walking distance.
Period of training is from September 1 to June 15, six days a week (Sunday is a day off). The training is carried out in groups of 7 – 10 persons. Excursions are included into the Program of Training, part of excursions are being paid by students themselves. In case of late arrival (after November 1) the training should be prolonged until the middle of July. There is a variant of 1,5 year course of pre-university training.

When the full course of training in the selected field of training is done and final exams are successfully passed, students are awarded with certificates on graduation of the Pre-university Training Faculty.
Graduates of the Pre-university Training Faculty are accepted to training in professional educational Programs of Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD’s degree in accordance with their previous education.